
Tomatoes: The Secret Weapon to improved Health

Close your eyes and think about Tomatoes, what comes to mind? Pizza, Pasta, Salad? All those are filled with Tomato goodness but the Tomato also has many great health benefits.

The trusty tomato is high in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Each Tomato contain Potassium, Magnesium, Folate, Manganese and Copper. By devouring just one tomato you will be 40% closer to achieving your daily consumption of Vitamin C.

Regular consumption of Tomatoes can also help to reduces the incidence of Urinary Tract Infections and Bladder Cancer. Their high water content can help expel toxins from the body as well as removing salt content, excess water and even some fat content!

Tomatoes also have properties which have been said to prevent several forms of cancer. Studies have shown that the high levels of lycopene’s in Tomatoes can help fight off prostate, colorectal and stomach cancers.

Another wondrous benefit of Tomatoes is their ability to improve your vision, through the Vitamin A they contain. Eating Tomatoes is also a great way to prevent against night blindness.

It is also believed that the application of Tomato juice can cure severe sunburn!

So next time you devour an entire pizza just remember all the health benefits of the Tomato sauce and let all the guilt fall away.

Tomatoes: The Secret Weapon to improved Health

Close your eyes and think about Tomatoes, what comes to mind? Pizza, Pasta, Salad? All those are filled with Tomato goodness but the Tomato also has many great ... MORE


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